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PyKota is now Freely available to All
Beginning January 5th 2013, PyKota is now and definitely available for no fee to all people. Read below for details.
We'll relocate soon, read this document for details and impact.
English translation of the french slides made for JM2L 2008 in Sophia-Antipolis
On November 15th 2008, I've presented pkipplib, pkpgcounter, Tea4CUPS and PyKota during JM2L 2008. This news item announces the availability of the english translation of these slides.
French slides for JM2L 2008 in Sophia-Antipolis
On November 15th 2008, I've presented pkipplib, pkpgcounter, Tea4CUPS and PyKota during JM2L 2008.
New website
This announces the move of to a different hosting provider
Bug Tracker
This is the announce of the immediate availability of a website and Bug Tracker dedicated to people interested in participating in the development of the PyKota software.
PyKota Setup under Debian (Video)
A screencast of the installation of PyKota v1.26 Official on a Debian box
pkpgcounter v3.50 is out with major improvements
This is the announce for the release of pkpgcounter v3.50
pkpgcounter v3.40 is out
This is the announce for the availability of pkpgcounter v3.40
pkpgcounter v3.30 is out
This is the announce for the release of pkpgcounter v3.30
pkpgcounter v3.20 is out
This news item announces the availability of pkpgcounter v3.20
pkpgcounter v3.10 is out
This news item announces the availability of pkpgcounter v3.10
pkpgcounter v3.00 is out
This news item announces the availability of pkpgcounter v3.00
pkpgcounter v2.18 is out
This news item announces the availability of pkpgcounter v2.18
PyKota v1.26 is out
This announces the immediate availability of PyKota v1.26
pkpgcounter v2.17 is out
This news item announces the availability of pkpgcounter v2.17
pkpgcounter v2.16 is out
This is the announce regarding the availability of pkpgcounter v2.16
pkpgcounter v2.15 is out
This news item announces the availability of pkpgcounter v2.15
pkpgcounter v2.14 is out
This news item announces the availability of pkpgcounter v2.14
pkpgcounter v2.13 is out
This announces the availability of pkpgcounter v2.13