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HowTo download PyKota

by Jerome Alet last modified 2013-01-05 05:36

This page describes the different ways you can obtain PyKota.

Latest Official stable release

The latest stable and Official release of PyKota is now freely available to all.

You can install the latest stable release from the Official tarball by typing the following comands :

$ cd /tmp
$ tar -zxf pykota-x.yy_official.tar.gz
$ cd pykota-x.yy_official
Now check for any missing software :
$ python
Then install any missing dependency, and finally install PyKota itself :
$ python install

NB : for the installation script to work, you have to ensure that both python and python-dev or python-devel packages are installed first.
Once installed, PyKota is somewhat complex to configure properly, please refer to its documentation for details. Official packages contain the documentation in both HTML and PDF formats, contrarily to unofficial releases which only contain the documentation in SGML source code form.

Latest development release

The latest development version of PyKota is always available from subversion. You can download and install it by typing the following commands :

$ cd /tmp
$ svn co pykota
$ cd pykota
$ python
Then install any missing dependency.
$ python install

Of course, the latest development version can contain bugs or may not work at all. That's why you may prefer to download the latest stable release of PyKota as explained above.

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