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History for repykota

PyKota features a quota report generator, named 'repykota', with which you can print the current state of the quota DataBase.

'repykota' behaves differently when it is launched by a PyKota administrator, compared to when it is launched by a normal user.

In the first case, the print quota report will contain current account balance, soft and hard limits, number of pages printed since last reset, total number of pages printed, total paid, for possibly all users or all groups, depending on command line options.

In the second case, i.e. when 'repykota' is launched by a normal user, the user will only be allowed to see informations about himself or the groups he his a member of.

Any user can limit the report to only one or more printers, by specifying the '-P' or '--printer' command line option, followed by one or more printer name or wildcard. If more than one printer name or wildcard are used, they must be separated by commas.

Launching 'repykota' with no arguments will generate a complete print quota report, depending on what you are allowed to see.

Use the '--help' command line argument to learn what are the different command line options available.

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